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# 14


10 creators  | 240  Hours | 10 works

1. Scratch


00:00 / 02:34


Aviv Greenberg

רולו - שרשרת שריטה - יצירה 2 - אביב גרינברג, aviv grinberg

3. A Nocturnal Animal

Shirley Neeman

4. Contaminated Juice

Ran Menachem


5. Yes just not here

Choleket ~ Uri Karin

6. Capak1

Liran Shapiro

רולו - שרשרת שריטה - יצירה 6

7. In my reflection

Chen Ohayon


In the reflection of the mirror I see a rough face. I see a sharp jaw, I see a big nose, a little broken, I see sunken, black eyes and above them black eyebrows plucked into a thin, round shape. I see thin and long lips, I see coarse bristles protruding from the skin, no knife will completely remove them, they will continue to rupture and injure the skin with their thick black heads. I wipe them with a light body color. I paint the man in reflection. I rub his nose, his cheek, his sharp chin. I blush his cheek in pink, adorn his black eyes with blue and apply a reddish color to his thin lips and make them with his help except for the fleshy ones.


In the reflection of the mirror I see myself. Delicate face, soft look. I get up and straighten the hem of my dress, tighten the brown hair on my head and head out into the street.


I walk on my black heels and feel the sun over the delicacy, my dress fluttering in the light breeze. Pleasant.


"Who are you trying to work on with this ugly wig?" "Where are you going sweetie?"


Quiet. There is no one. I keep going.  


"Stop for a moment you shemale" "What are you hiding there? What is a banana?" He grabs my waist, he pulls my hair tightly, the pins crack from my head and my hair is torn. I'm trying to keep going. They laugh out loud. A sharp pain pierces my body. I close my eyes tightly. I pray, let them go, let them go, let them go. Quiet.  


I open my eyes, I'm on the street. There is no one. I decide to go home.


I remove the color from my face with a damp cloth, I remove the blue from my eyes, the pink from my cheeks, I remove the red from my lips. I take off my floral dress.


I look in the mirror, the naked man looks back at me. I look at his limp body, his thick legs, his slender penis. I look at my sliced belly, my slit throat, my sad face. I get into bed and cover myself with a blanket over my head. I close my eyes and look up. A cold wind envelops me. I am light, the weight falls off of me and turns my body into a cloud. My feet are detached from the ground, I am pulled up. I rise weightlessly, my body disappears, I dive into the sky. I am drawn up further and further and further to infinity. Quiet.

8. Reflection - I myself

Nati Ransenberg

רולו - שרשרת שריטה - יצירה 8

9. Blood system

Mor Shimoni

10. You Can't Run

Anat Or Magal

רולו - שרשרת שריטה - יצירה 9
רולו - שרשרת שריטה - יצירה 10

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