Content Archive
Rollo International
2 countries | 10 artists | 240 hours | 10 creations
1. Here
Dana Nechmad
Embroidery and Ink on paper
2. Daily Red
Ya-Wei Chang
body, image, dance, film
3. Period of Time
Roni Artzi
Flower pads
4. Convolution
CHEN Yu-Jung
5. Locust
Hoodi Ben Ami
6. Beyond A Line
Wang, Yu-Ting
VR, for full experience watch on phone
7. Filling / Feeling The Void
Nirit Rechavi
Video art and sound / voice creation
8. Clean Up My Cabinet
Yabun Yuma Chiang
Latex paint on canvas wood board
9. Ricochet 1
Yotam Bahat
Metal work
10. Believe, in (相信, 在)
Tsai, Mu-Cheng (蔡 沐 橙)