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# 2.3


2 countries |  10 artists | 240  hours | 10 creations

1. Almost There

Etgar Keret Etgar Keret

When I see a little boy whose parents refused to buy him ice cream he lies down on the street floor and starts screaming - I'm in favor of him.

When I look at a mustachioed policeman, he stops an old drunk in the town square and asks him for certificates - I'm against him.

When I wake up the howls of a hot cat under my apartment window - I'm in favor of it.

When I hear a siren ripping through the night, I pray for the health of the patient in the ambulance.

Praying, without believing in the existence of God.  


I wanted to be a modern, new person.  

Imprison nature in zoos   dense.

I hoped to shed millions of years of evolution from me, like a snake sheds its skin from it.  

Replace old fears with newer, more up-to-date fears that will be purchased at online stores.

Convert my many eternal thoughts into one clear knowledge:

Life is not this blue-green planet,

Life is me, and it'll be over in a minute.

Annesi ya da babası ona dondurma almadığı için kendini yere fırlatıp kriz geçiren bir çocuk gördüğümde –ondan yanayım. 

The most important part of our policy is to provide you with the information you need. 

We offer a comprehensive range of pneumatic products to our customers. 

You can choose the one that will be most likely to be used in the first half of the year. Tanrıya inanmasam da dua ediyorum.  


Yeni, çağdaş bir adam olmak istedim. 

I would like to take the opportunity to share with you my thoughts. 

Bin ıllık evrimi derisini değiştiren yılan gibi değiştirmek istedim. 

If you want to add a new one to your list, just add it here. 

Please read the instructions provided by Bitmek Bilmeyen below: 

Yaşam bu mavi-yeşil gezegen değil. Yasam benim – ve bir an sonra bitecek.  


Çeviren: Avi Pardo

2. Be / Live in Society

Bora Asik

3. Lost and Found

Tamar Karavan

Rollo International Bora Asik
Rollo International Tamar Karavan

4. I looked for you amongst the stars but you were here all along

Sinan Tuncay

Rollo International Sinan Tuncay

5. A Photograph Of Time

Tomer Heymann


Birce Kirkova

Rollo International Birce Kirkova

7. Who Will Stay To Touch Your Mind?

Hadara Levin Arredy

8. no one knows the ending but  I  got some foresights

Ekin Çekiç

9. Black and ...

Gal Yerushalmi

 Rollo International Gal Yerushalmi

10. Dark Memory

Nur Pınar ÖZEN 

Rollo International Nur Pınar ÖZEN

- The Artists  -

Etgar Keret

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